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RE: The Dowry Of The Banatians

in Photography Lovers10 months ago

Oh shoot! I meant to say men pay the price to take the women away... but I see you already made your point though. "Dowries" should be abolished. I doubt it'll ever be here though, it's our culture, and boy do Africans hold culture to very very high esteems. I mean everyone does or used to but are open to change but not us. Not typical Nigerians. Not while our old are still there. The only way it's going away is if only the Gen Z are put in charge and generations from the millennial and older are wiped out. Haha.

Comfy? I wouldn't go that far, but I suppose people got used to it.

Oh well. I dunno. Over here, the clothes we used to put on were even more comfy than the suits and stuff we wear these days in the name of fashion.
I've just got a post idea. I'll tag you so you can see what we used to wear.