Gomphrena weed or Soft khaki weed!

in Photography Lovers24 days ago (edited)


Yesterday my wife asked me a question which at first seemed very childish and stupid to me, so I laughed but then I looked in the mirror and realized that I too often ask such childish and stupid questions. haha! Then suddenly I started feeling a kinship with her and I asked her to repeat the question.

She asked, if the grass and these plants as small as grass are grown on the same land at the same place, then why is it that the grass has dried up and these plants are flourishing?

I explained to her that just as every human being has a different diet and needs to live a happy life. Similarly, plants also have different diets and need to stay alive and grow. Apart from this, it can also be understood by linking it with the lifestyle of humans that the roots of some plants do not go very deep into the soil, while the roots of some plants go deep in search of food. For this reason, many plants can somehow survive even when there is no rain for a long time.

I don't know how this exact plant was able to survive in so much heat but this could be the basic reason to understand this difference between plants.

Once again with the help of Google Lens, I came to know that this plant is commonly known as Gomphrena weed and Soft khaki weed! Another tiny plant growing amidst completely dry grass without water.

To be honest, I am surprised by my photography these days. No seriously, I had tried to take photos of this same plant before but I still don't know why it never came out so clear and beautiful.

The flower-like thing you see between these leaves is not something soft like a flower but it is hard like a fruit. However, I don't know what it actually is but it looked very cute.

I hope you liked my Phone Photography! :)

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Note: English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated. All gifs are created by @irisworld and @untilwelearn All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated. That's all for today. Have a Happy and Blessed day!


Wow dear friend another awesome photography from you man...I never knew gomphrena could be so pretty😍 Thanks for sharing this. I've seen it online before 😂 but never knew its name. Learning new things about nature is always exciting thanks brother

I also came to know it's name yesterday 😅 thank you for appreciating it!😊🙏🏼

You're most welcome and very much well deserving brother

Thank you!😊🙏🏼

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Bahut bahut dhanyawad Bhai!😊🙏🏼

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