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RE: Shooting Smart Phones - Photography Chronicles, Vol. 1

This is a really good question~ :)
I am working on a new post that explains this in detail. Also I have been involved in the very first steps when Huawei and Leica joined hands~ I have pictures to show and some tech specs to explain the differences. However to simply put in a sentence... The differences are mainly in the software/firmware of the camera sensors. If you want a true to color as much as possible then apple would be the way to go. However, if you want mobile phone captures that mimic DSLR lens through software (amazing macro, really deep black/white monochromatic photography, studio setting like portraits) then I would go with Huawei Leica. There are people who want true to color minimal software processed imaging which apple will do well, and people who like to have all sorts of filters and features built in which Huawei Leica cameras do best. I hope that explains it well. If you have any questions don't hesitate~ let me know. Thanks


Great explanation thanks for your help