Grasshopper and Pepper


I haven't visited this place in a while. A field that is not too wide actually. Only about 700 m2. Not large, but as a legacy this land must be keep and organized as well.


Why I don't visiting this land in a while. Busyness and routine are the reasons. But this morning I explored the rice fields a little bit planted with cassava. As a part of vegetables, the cassava's leaves is popular to made as local dishes.


By the way, I will share about my morning. In addition, I tried to cultivate pepper plants. Either the vines or the bushes. Not much, but still give an economic value.


My post this time is my first contribution to the photography lover community. Of course I am aware, in terms of rating I am still zero rating in the field of photography.


Why do I say zero rating because my ability is still far from quality in the field of photography. Only with passion, and a smartphone camera brand Realme Type C25.


And, I really hope that my friends in this community can accept me. The theme of this post is a grasshopper perched on a pepper tree.


Picking peppers when the weather is not too hot, with the fresh morning air and clear skies adds to the excitement to capture the grasshopper that are alone among the peppercorns.

Location at Walik Village, Purbalingga Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. A pepper land that now as my little family business.


Wah di tempat masbro banyak pohon lada ya?

aku tanam bberapa, niatnya jadi kebon merica. rencana, klo lancar sekitar 300 pohon, karna dah siap 300 kayu rambat. hanya saja buat mengisinya sy cicil karena stek kadang ada yg gagal. mungkin baru separuh 🤭

Yay! 🤗
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