Exploring Phnom Penh, Cambodia. People, Scenes, Streets on 50mm

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

More street images from my trip from Bangkok to Phnom Penh, Cambodia on February 12 - 18, 2024.

This was actually not my first time in Phnom Penh. I had lived there for a month in 2019 in an apartment I had found on Couchsurfing. Anybody could stay there as long as they wanted - thanks to a Lithuanian guy who maintained this experiment by paying the bills. There were always around twenty people in that apartment; talking on the balcony, meeting amazing people, sleeping on mats and chairs, great time!


Thus, when I returned in 2024, I had an idea where to head. But, no, trip 2024 was not a complete repeat.

This time, I stayed at a modern dorm ($9) in Emerald Hotel Residence, half an hour from the city center, in an area I had never visited.


The hotel is in Chamkarmon (above and below), a new location for me. Rather respectable district with everything a photographer needs: fresh market, a lot of street food, and coffee shops, monks asking alms in the morning, kids driving motorbikes and bicycles from and to school:


Boys crossing the street at sunset time by Preah Yukunthor High School.

Another location I discovered:


Orussey Market. Just another Cambodian market but worth wandering with the camera in search of street shots.


I got some interesting shots near the Сentral market. I knew this area well since the mentioned couchsurfing apartment had been not far from there and I used to visit the market to buy veggies, eggs, and rice for cooking in 2019.

That bizarre "Hagia Sophia" in the background is art deco Central market constructed by the French in the 1930s:

Look how the Khmer lady is nicely holding the finger of his giant Westerner dying of the heat. (I myself, although hardy when it comes to heat, was melting on the chair by the convenience store, keeping taking images though).


Another scene by the Central market.

Young ladies are buying shells at the same area:


It was +35 in the shade but the shells were probably salted or something else, I am sure the ladies knew what they were doing :D


Street seller of potted plants somewhere in the streets of Phnom Penh.

The Old Market's area, taking images of passing remarkable bikes:


Meanwhile, a security man and a girl were witnessing my uncontrollable behavior 😄:


It could be they were discussing me, I don't know. But, at some point, I noticed that electricity between them, and couldn't help sneaking an image.

Hope you liked the images! 😎 A post about Battambang, Cambodia is coming, and fresh materials from Bangkok are awaiting their time to get published. 🙂

More images and stories from Southeast Asia are ahead! Check out the previous ones on my personal Pinmapple map.

I took these images with a Nikkor 50mm on a Nikon D750 on February 13-16, 2024, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


i love the way whole families cram onto the smallest scooter and weave their way through the traffic

Khmer lady is nicely holding the finger of his giant Westerner

call me Mr cynical....... "me love you long time" lol

"me love you long time" lol

😃 The Full-Metal Jacket, one of my favorite ones.

There are many sex tourists and sex workers in PP but there are real relationships too. Not to mention the fact that too many relationships back home look more like a joke nowadays.

totally agree, as a happily divorced single bloke ( though my ex wife is now dead does that make me a widower?)

Yes, many divorces...

Sorry about your ex-wife.

cheers @x-rain , all water under the bridge tbh

Cambodia has many interesting subjects to take photos of. :D

True! Thank you for stopping by! 🙂

No problem :D

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Bright, curious photos!

Thank you!

Great street shots @x-rain friend! We can see everyday life in the area! Thanks for sharing.

Have a great start of the week!

!discovery 35

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Muchas gracias for this high evaluation! 😊 Enjoy your day! 😎

Looks like you had fun :) Did you visit @justinparke and his family?

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:) Thank you!

No, I didn't, I considered we know each other not enough well, to disturb the family :)

Of course you would have wanted to arrange things, not just show up :)


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