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RE: La𐐒iotica ~ ʍacro Line Design ~

in Photography Lovers2 years ago

First I must admit that your work with the pens is really admirable, the dedication you have put into doing this is simply incredible!

I am amazed by the amount of detail it has, at first I was wondering what it was that looked like a caesarean scar, some lips and a uterus? no, later I understood that there was much more... When a woman carries a new life in her womb, she also has several changes that were made to adjust the body and there are scars that will remember what she achieved, that small part is there by her side and it is the most valuable.

And yes! You were so right, this inspires me a lot.


That's awesome! I am very grateful and thankful for your response. I appreciate your observations and respect your interpretations. I am also glad you took the time to admire and understand there was more than theme, technique, or subject involved in the art. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

Thank you for showing me this!
How not to do it. ? is incredible! It did me good to see it!