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RE: Jomtien Beach at Night

in Photography Lovers • 5 months ago

That's 🤢! 😆 I eat almost any type of meat, but it wouldn't dare if it's not cooked. I remember my brother ate a toad with his friend when we were young. That toad is poisonous, but they barbecued it. Good thing they didn't have problems after.

The things we did when we were younger. 😂


lol a random toad! hahaha. We do have frog legs, taste like chicken but a poisonous toad, lucky they are ok. Probably because they cooked it.

I have eaten a lot of exotic meat, but I haven't tried frogs yet. They're a delicacy in some parts of the Philippines, but for some reason I haven't visited a province that offers frog meat dishes. I'll include this in my list this year. 😆

Taste like chicken, don't fear the frogs! Just don't go pick them out of the pond yourself🤣

We eat everything here, well maybe not cats and dogs but everything else is fair game. I'll try most things once.

I've eaten a cat and a dog! 😂 In the province, everything's indeed a fair game. The grossest meat I've tried is a bat. Texture's like sand and it smelled like urine. Never again. Seems COVID indeed came from bats. Felt like I already had an immunity as I haven't contracted COVID.

Ewww, I'm not bold enough to try bat, sounds gross. Cat and dog, prefer no too but if I was starving and had no other choice to survive...I might go there.