photography// looking for mushrooms in early 2024

in Photography Lovers5 months ago

Hello friends, today I returned to the forest to look for unique and beautiful mushrooms to consider for photography which I will publish in the #photographylovers community

At the beginning of this new year, hopefully we will be faced with various goodness and grace, even though it has passed, there is no harm in continuing to wish us all a happy new year 2024 and happy activities in the new year, new faces and new experiences, and say goodbye to the new year. 2023 thank you for making beautiful memories with you

On the second day of 2024 I made photography that came from nature and the actors also grew in nature. In fact, I really like doing activities in nature and often go around the forest around where I live because there I can get peace of mind and beautiful views and fresh air.

This time I was hunting for mushrooms that grow between mistletoe and small grass and I found a group of small mushrooms that were still alive, very small in size and almost stepped on by me, let me show you the results captured by my Samsung Galaxy J7pro cellphone camera










This mushroom belongs to the pluteus mushroom species which lives in humid weather and is about seven days old. This type of mushroom cannot be consumed because it contains poison.

This mushroom is very beautiful and funny because it is very small. When I took the picture, I had to enlarge it on the camera to get maximum results

Thank you for reading my experience today. I hope you have a nice day at the start of this season