Cures for the soul

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

Once I read that to heal the soul they recommended seeing sunsets and seas, and how right they are. I particularly recommend looking at the sky every time you can and you will see the wonders that it shows, no matter what time of day there is always something special about it.


On a difficult or busy day, in traffic, under stress or when you feel like you need a break, stop, and look at the sky, it will comfort you.



Here I share some of the beautiful views that I have been able to appreciate in the moments that I have stopped to admire it and I want to share with you.

The interesting thing about this is that I could even see it as if they were works of art.





All photos were taken with my phone an UMIDIGI A5 PRO and edited by me.


Great capture! I love the 6th photo. The communication tower silhouette it brings back memory to my hometown :)

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