My sketch of rainy day

Hi there!

How are things? Hope you're fine. It's Monday and I know you're tied up with work. I say I hope you have a job and work hard because many projects are just set on ice in these challenging times.


Fall is here, with rains and fogs. I had a walk in a part nearby yesterday, and it was really mistic. It's not only fog that made scenery but also a few creative installations that appeared there recently, and I think the night was the perfect time to see it first.

Ukraine stays in quarantine fighting the second wave. I work remotely most of the time as well as other guys from my team. We have a lot of meetings so sometimes you have to connect from the phone using the mobile Internet. This adds mystic to our meeting session because it sounds like:

  • Is there anybody here?
  • Can anyone hear me?
  • I don't hear you, are you speaking?


Because it is raining, I will share my mood and some lovely shots I captured on a wet day like this, just not so cold coz it was in summer in Ukrainian Carpathians. The web all covered with tiny water drops and it is an accurate handmade trap and sometimes a security shield. By the way, did you know that the web is made of protein?

There are spiders that live in holes, and I think this hole is one of them. If not a fog, I'd fairly notice the web around it.




Well, I'm here just to check up on you and say Hello. Stay warm, safe and take care!

See you,


охохо паутинка крутая какая! вообще не знала про белок тоже)

Очень красиво и интересно!!! Я и не знал, что сеть состоит с белка.

И я раньше не знала 😉

That spider web at the top is magnificent! Fabulous capture! Great work! 😃

These pictures are just gorgeous especially the first one. The details of the web are amazing and I can see the lines, patterns clearly... Amazing...

You are so kind, @priyanarc!

Thank you and !BEER