How to become immortal... on "social" networks and anywhere else!

in Fuckerylast year

A few days ago, I wrote a post in which I talked a bit about the non-existence of a current DApp in the Hive ecosystem to consult, review, know, order, make a follow up, manage and clean up from time to time our list of followers and followed in our "social" network on the blockchain. Such like there used to be several of these before on steemit to perform those routinary and annoying tasks when necessary.

I exposed several motives and possible reasons why I think there is none so far. But since nobody came or wanted to give their opinion in the comments of said post, I suppose that now nobody can be completely sure and reach an accurate and concrete conclusion about what the true cause of such a lack of theseDApps might be and why the little interest in developing them. But whatever, I already made my own DApp to get the job done!

And in the same way that those old DApps on steemit allowed you to easily get rid of all those corpses (and undesirables) that you followed, certainly none of these DApps allowed you to do the same easy cleaning task with those that followed you.

So, I had no choice but be a little more creative to develop those missing features in the previous ancient DApps and finally get rid of a bunch of the corpses and undesirables who follow me with the same ease. Yeah, one day I will share publicly the code.

So far I have managed to get rid of a handful of them with supreme success. Although I'm still exploring who most deserve and need to be removed from my select list of those who follow me. So, the painstaking work still continues with a magnifying glass in hand. Since there are some that I still give them the benefit of the doubt to verify if they are really corpses and/or if they are totally undesirable or not.

But hey, all the full technical details about these DApps for the correct and proper maintenance of our followers and those we follow. You will easily might clarify your doubts and find all the answers to your questions by simply «clicking» on the link above in colored letters. Because today I came here to talk on something else: ¡Immortality!

Yeah! definitely there are some (mostly spoiled kids) who need to be eradicated from the list of those who follows us. The last one who stopped following me and also mute me was early today: Unfollow Timestamp: "1/29/2023, 6:15:21AM" and muting me just three minutes later: Muting Timestamp: "1/29/2023, 6:15:21AM"

You see it? My code is working like a charm. The procedure to carry out this arduous work is highly effective. Although I suspect that I still have to continue polishing it before publishing it. LoL

¡Hive Rewards Pool Is Limited!

No is not! The Hive rewards pool is virtually unlimited. And certainly there are plenty of tokens to be well distributed and fairly delivered to everyone on a daily basis.

Specially among all of us who actually do a real work of value to raise awareness in people by denouncing what needs to be denounced without fear of being reprimanded or punished by those with do$h incapable or unwilling to recognize what is working bad with the distribution of wealth, the retention of users and correct the freaking situation once and for all. But yeah! ¿Who among them really cares about content creation and posting? If all they do all day long is only whining that they won't have enough left in the rewards pool for them and they're addicted to downvotes.

¿With freaken numbers and wallets like this?

Of course, they are all selfish maximalists, passive investors and self-called "content curators" who seduce and deceive you into delegating your well earned HP to them. For a pittance in return for your delegation. And then, they can do what they please with that money and voting power that you so stupidly have granted to them. ¿Huh?

So yeah! Immortality Kids...


Willie Nelson 89yo & Keith Richards 79yo

In his “Life” autobiography, Keith Richards reckons that on average, he slept only two nights a week for many years of the Stones’ glory years. “This means that I have been conscious for at least three lifetimes,” he calculated.

Summary & Conclusion:

¡Too much consciousness makes you IMMORTAL!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



I go in and trim my following list every few months or so, so that I can trim the fat. I forget often why I follow someone but there’s usually a decent reason. Eventually they fall off the radar if they’re of a particular brand and I do away with em. The list of people following me I don’t care much about since I thought we don’t have control over that, but you say we may?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah mate, trimming, pruning and putting that monster on a diet is always a necessity if you have let it gain weight without control and with greater care and supervision. Because if you are not careful and you tend to follow with attention what they do and produce in your feed, most probably you could be infected with their bad habits and end up just as obese as they are by consuming so much junk food. };)

The list of people following me I don’t care much about since I thought we don’t have control over that, but you say we may?

Yep, there certainly is a way to do it. But you have to be very careful with the algorithms you use in the DApp beforehand and take a long time analyzing previously the data, numbers and results that the formula returns before finally hitting the delete button. Well, only if you don't want to cause a substantial damage! Hahahaha