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RE: Community Update

in Dunk Social3 years ago

Thanks for the update and the reminder about @dunkcurator. I will delegate some tokens right away, and possibly more when I get the other delegation back. Is this all we need to do to get returns?
I know we already discussed it in the past and I don't want to pile on, but among the minor issues being looked at, I hope the vote weight multiplier on Leodex is one of them. This would be very useful for someone like me with only one main account.
Thanks again for all the hard work!


I have reached out to the leodex team, but haven't heard back. Feel free to reach out as well if you would like and if you get a response send them in my direction. I'll keep trying!

Yep, you just need to delegate to receive daily dividends.

Great! Done that yesterday already, and like I said, when I get the engagement project delegation back in a couple of days, I will probably delegate more. Thanks!