RS Pack Opening 100 / BOB / Giveaway

Hello friends!
First lets OPEN pack number 100 and lets see what is inside.

One RARE plus 2 common cards. In first 100 Packs i dont get any LEGENDARY or EPIC cards. All my Epic and LEG are from shop buying.


Battle of Bands or BOB you can play every day on my stream on twitch, and you can win bonus some starbits or RS cards for your collection.

BOB Link for Reward R150 Boki

Everyone who can play RS can jump on BOB, so they chance to win this card!

🍀🍀🎁 GIVEAWAY 🎁🍀🍀


3x 250 Starbits
3x 250 BoCrypto
3x 250 Sports
1x R320

To participate in GIVEAWAY,
post in comments your hive username. That is all.
Good luck


Count me in

IGN @olaf.gui

add me pls @ladymisa :)

Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz

count me in



Count me in.
IGN: @vaynard86
!Gif thank you

Count me in ^^ @subidu

thanks for the chance


Count me in @metronet

Thank you.
Count me in!!!

Please add me for the draw.
@middle-earthling 🍺🍕☕