You Can Win 2 Times in a Row <--> Packs Opening & Giveaway #18

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Welcome to the Rising Star Packs Opening and Giveaway video! As you can see from the title, you CAN win these giveaways two times in a row... And that almost happened in this video, but the lucky winner didn't pick the card, so I had to pull another one... Ouch... :)

Also, I have opened 12 packs in this video as always... No legendaries, but there was one EPIC card, so I'm happy-happy! There were also a bunch of great Rare cards that will help me in climbing up on that Rankings!

Don't forget to check the giveaway inside the video... The rules are easy, you check the video, find the pack from which one you have to chose ONE card, and put the name of that card in the comment section! The lucky winner will be chosen by a random picker inside the NEXT Rising Star video!

Check out the video for more details!

If you are not playing this game, you can sign up here

Thanks for watching!

Music by: Heyson .:. Royale


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Thank you for the contest username: lacandela Shine

Count me in! R84 Shine :)

What up CF? How about Shine if its my day. Thanks. @magooz

R84 Shine like a shining firefly in Black Widow that I just watched before this video XD

Count me for R84 Shine

R87 Stacy looks nice ;)

Her stats I mean... lol.

R78 jet ski @dragon29

R87 Stacy please @wynella

r84 shine for me please

I would like the letter R84 Shine my user is @mario02

Shine card please. a pretty name u know xD

Shine would be great, thanks! @misterabaddon

R87 Stacy. Thanks. @dagum

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE


@cryptofiloz! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @nupulse.

Did you know you can earn $VFT through the PIZZA farm? (7/10)

R84 Shine, it would be great

Hi ! I´m trenloco and I want in for that Shine ! Cheers

Lol, I came up again :D Yea, I was just saying thanks, I wasn't trying to enter the contest again since I had just won :D

But, I'll go ahead and say Shine for next week :D :D

R84 Shine please^^

R87 Stacy is mine! (or maybe not... will see)

id love to participate one more time! thanks!

Thanks for your contests, please list me for R84 Shine :D!

add me for R84 Shine.

Entering for R84 Shine. Thanks for the giveaway @michaeldav