I'm so close to getting to level 75

in Rising Star Game3 years ago

Lately in RisingStarst I only dedicate myself to doing the best paid missions and missions to gain skills.

I don't know if what I do is very profitable but I'm a person who spends a lot of time away from home and I can't keep up with this game.

So the 5 hour missions are the best for me because I check it every few hours and accumulate my tokens.

Despite all this, I achieved more than 1000 missions and I still cannot reach the amount of 200 cards that is my goal, because selling cards is not profitable.

For now I am in the top 100 players but it is very difficult to stay in this position because of the bad cards I have, it only increased my number of fans and most of them are musical instrument cards.

Position 97 is not bad


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