Rising Star Giveway - Super ZoOm #5 - win 200 + 1510 starbits (ends on February 06)


Hello community Rising Star, how do you do?

As we had no guesses in the last post there will be no draw this time.

Also due to the low participation I will be closing the Super ZoOm posts (at least for now).

Thanks to everyone who participated.

That said, let's go for last tip?

How it works:

Every week, I'm going to pick one of the cards exist in the Rising Star, and I'll sequence of posts placing a print of a part of this card which I will zoom in and this image will be accompanied by a tip about the card.

It will be made of a sequence of up to 3 blog posts per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) with each post the zoom is reduced to facilitate identification.

The sequence of posts will depend on the success of any participant. If someone has already hit the post on Monday with a new post will be made on the next Monday with a new card.

The goal of the participant is to guess which card it is, and the one who guesses it first will get a minimum of 1000 starbits.


  • Each participant will be required to make only one guess per post (so take a good look at the picture before you take a guess).
  • The starting jackpot is 1,000 starbits, but but with each new post the prize accumulates, until someone gets it right.
  • A prize of 200 starbits will be drawn among the current participants. It will be a prize of 200 starbits for each post.
  • Positive votes will not be mandatory, however, each time a new post is made, without anyone getting it right, the prize will accumulate and 10 starbits will be added for each positive vote in the previous post.
  • When someone hits the guess, the prize goes back to 1000 starbits.
  • The guesses will only be valid while there is no new post because when a new one is published, participants must make new guesses on it and the comments made on the previous post will be ignored.
  • If more than one participant gets the right guess, the one who sent the first guess takes the prize.

Round five

Tip 01: My card is part of the people class.
Tip 02: My amount of fans is twice my abilities
Tip 03: I'm a Epic Card.


Any questions can send me a message by discord about my username is Martined#9768.

Images: Rising Star

Current Participants: @hernleon74

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The correct answer is E9 Debbie.