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RE: I have been playing Risingstar for 14 months and why my ranking is so bad

I have some starbits token. And nfts but I have yet to play risingstars. I playing splinterlands which takes a lot of time. The other day the dq took me 7 hours to complete. That's why if I start playing risingstars it will take up too much !



7 hours for a daily quest? I am curious, what league are you playing at?

I know it's hard to believe. As they say you can't lie on the Blockchain. I'm on silver lll and this was last month. I was going to leave it but carried on. I was playing against level 2 or even 3. I have not levelled up !

Now I see why. That is really difficult.

Sometimes it can be pretty tricky to finish a quest when you need to do it in a bad splinter. Risingstar is much less time intensive. You can choose the lenght of the missions and it's litterally clicking two buttons to start one.