Marketplace Improvements


We have finally updated the in-game marketplace to make it a lot easier to find the cards you want and compare prices.

Screenshot 2021-10-23 at 09.03.29.png

There are now two filter boxes so you can, for example, search for a particular card and optionally choose a token and sort by price.

Screenshot 2021-10-23 at 09.04.14.png

there is a small bug where sorting more than once returned an "undefined" error. Just type the text back into the first filter box again and click the "Filter" button until we can fix it.

We will look at adding other things such as the $ equivalent of cards in the future but this requires a lot of work.

Let us know what you think in the comments and if you have any other suggestions then we would love to hear them!

Cheers and rock on \m/

Rising Star - The Play2Earn NFT virtual music career game built on Hive.


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Sounds like a breakthrough to me, good work.
What I would like to see:
Card delegation
Card Convination
Card rental

These would require a huge amount of work so are unlikely to be added any time soon. We have discussed the first and last one many times. To be honest I have no idea what "Card Convination" is though!

"Card Convination" would be to mix several common Cards of the same type and obtain a Rare Card.
Like increasing levels in Splinterlands.

Ah OK thanks. Something we call "blending". Well the good news is that we added that code for the festival wristbands and we are planning to add a lot more blending options in the future.

It is even more convenient to see the cards in the collectible option. I am completing the collection little by little so I can know which cards I have and which I don't. maybe do something more like that !LUV !PIZZA






@risingstargame, you've been given LUV from @pablodare.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/5)

The marketplace is much better when you are trying to find the best deals. We can't add all the same functionality to the cards page as it would be too slow.

That's a much needed update, and Rising Star is now even better! Thanks a lot.

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Nice update :) !PIZZA

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stickupboys tipped risingstargame (x1)
finris tipped risingstargame (x1)
senstless tipped risingstargame (x1)
@pablodare(2/10) tipped @risingstargame (x1)
finris tipped madnessinsane (x1)
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Good work !PIZZA

Awesome! Thanks. If I could make a suggestion? When getting new cards.. is there a way the new cards could be highlighted until they're accepted? When I open packs 1 of the 3 card I can't see from each pack on my phone and when I look at my cards as a whole my memory needs to be on point (which usually is not) to know what card is new. I still love the game and I don't mind looking at my history to see what cards I received. Just thought I'd suggest. Thanks again for what yall do making the game run smoothly!

Not something that has ever been asked for before. If I am totally honest it is unlikely to be done for that reason. We like to concentrate on changes that help the most number of people but thank you for the suggestion.

This is much welcome change.

!PIZZA Great improvement!!! Keep up the good work.

Nice update

Nice update

Great news!!!



@nupulse, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex






@risingstargame, you've been given LUV from @nupulse.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

Rising Star is now even better!

It's always nice to see some improvements to the shop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So, any filter field filters any column? Good and expensive :)

Can you make a lazy load with asp? That would be great since it takes quite some time for the whole list to be fetched and displayed.

@tipu curate

It only takes bout 10 seconds for me. As it's javascript I wonder if it takes varying times for different people?

Just noticed this bug yesterday. Good job!

good to hea. hoping for a good community in the rising star

Great! was waiting for it cause nftmart goes so slow ... thanks for going on developing the best nft game on net!

It was well needed and I must say... WELL DONE!

$value would be an excellent feature but, of course, no rush, take your time.

Game is getting to a position where we, the proud players of the game, can say, RisingStarGame can compete with any top notch Blockchain game out there.

That's pretty makes it much easier to use! Well done!

hey @risingstargame,
id really like a category column in the marketplace. so i can only view people or cars or whatever to make a decent buy.
thanks in advance

Nice improvement ^^ looking forward to buy something after reach STARBITS Millionaire ><