Music reflections, Music news, Buying new cards, unlocking new mission, Progress, Rising Star.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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Friends Music, like any art form, is nourished by the personal and professional evolution of its creators. This is especially true in the case of Paula Cendejas, an artist who has been able to transform her personal experiences into a musical proposal that resonates deeply with her audience. Her new EP, “Tsunami”, not only marks her career positively, but also shows her ability to address complex issues with a mix of vulnerability and strength.

She has come an interesting way since her beginnings in music. With this work the Spanish artist shows a remarkable ascent, both in terms of sound and content. This EP was designed and based on her own personal experiences. Which according to her denotes a great originality.

The title of the EP, “Tsunami”, is a metaphor that aims to showcase the myriad of emotions Paula has experienced in recent times. The lyrics of her songs address themes such as love, heartbreak, loss and empowerment, providing a glimpse so to speak into her inner world.

On the other hand I think Paula's collaboration with producer Carlos Ares has been instrumental in shaping the sound of the EP. Ares is known for his ability to fuse different styles and create fresh and innovative productions and here you can really tell he has put his hand to it. Have you listened to any of his previous work? If so, I'd love to know your answer in the comments.

Fans of Paula Cendejas, are very happy about this latest work. This new EP was released a few days ago, specifically on the 17th of this month, and has a total of 6 songs.

Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the musical news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

Reaching new goal


Friends, as the first news today I want to tell you that I finally reached level 45 yesterday. This makes me very happy because now I have access to more missions that I couldn't do before. Specifically, “Acustic Tent” has been unlocked. With this mission I can now earn between 500 and 2151 starbits per mission. This will undoubtedly be very useful for me to continue advancing in the game. For now I am reinvesting all my earnings in improving my stats and thus advancing faster. My next goal is to reach level 55 to do the mission “local Mini Tour Support”. I hope to get there in a few weeks.

Buying new cards in Rising Star


Friends, it's time for my favorite section of the day: showing you my latest acquisitions in our beloved game Rising Star As usual, I have added 3 new cards to my collection. Some I acquired simply because I liked them and they were at a low price, while others were chosen for their unique features. Without further ado, here are my new additions.


Friends, the first card I acquired is called 107 Barry. It is a common card that offers 5 fans and 10 skill. In this case, it does not bring any of the other categories such as IM or luck. I decided to buy this card mainly to expand my collection. I already have a few of them that I bought previously, but because of their characteristics I thought it would be a good idea to keep buying more of them.


The price of the card is 1005 starbits which as you can see is quite cheap considering the current prices of cards and tokens in general. It is an option to consider in case you want to buy in quantity. But wait, next I will continue showing you other cards that I have bought and that may be more practical for you. The phrase on this particular card is, “Often gets the night fevers.”


The next card I bought is called: 111 Hope. This card like the previous one is common, but has some differences, as is the case that brings 1 skill, while the other brought 10. Also another difference this card only brings 10 fan. This card is more focused if you want to increase your fans at a low price. This one would be useful to buy in quantity as well.


If you want to know the price I tell you that this card cost me 946 starbits, which like the previous one is a good option considering that the price of starbits is not so high. Without a doubt I recommend it to increase the fans. The phrase of the card is: “We need a singer. Can Hope sing?.... поре!”


The last card I bought today is called 116 Jack. This card is also a common card. This one brings me about 10 fans like the first card I showed you. The price of the card is 1026 which makes it the cheapest card of the day in this post. The text on this card is “Jock has arrived. Strap yourselves in!”


My most recent progress in Rising Star.

Well my friends as you know everything that begins must end and this post is no exception. We have reached the final section but that doesn't make it any less fun. Now I'm going to show you a brief summary of all my progress in the game so you can follow my progress. Without further ado, I'll show you.

My skill continues to dominate the stats with 14980 accumulated skill. On the other hand my fans are now 6805, I must say that there are some drunks included. My luck is 1560, My IM is 66. My current level is 45 with 165 XP/de /2250. My total card collection is: 269.


Well my dear friends this is my post today I hope you liked it and above all it was to your liking. Well see you in a new post greetings.


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