RISING STAR - Blog Diary #08

in Rising Star Game3 years ago


🤘 Hello ROCK Stars! 🤘

Hey guys, sorry for the long and long wait to show for my evolution, I was away for a while, but I was able to complete my missions once again, today here unfortunately were few, but I still managed to stay on the missions goal of the day, I hope that and keep it up.


Keep an eye on my Status:

At the time of this post I have:

  • 180 fans being, with 8 are from cards.
  • 55 Luck.
  • 269 Skill and 16% ego.

My status had little evolution... Where are the drunk fans? 😥, I think my sound is a little out of tune 😔, I need to train my voice more to call more fans, I think...


I'm at level 26, missing 150 XP for level 27 and 13341 starbits.


36 + 76 + 115 + 284 + 49 + 76 + 79 + 80 = 795 Starbits in November 16th.


WooooooW! I got two slices of pizza during the missions, and do you know what goes with pizza?? STARBITS!! So, soon, I prepared to do more missions, it's a good number for the amount of cards I have.

Follow my social media to follow me and support me!

Twitter - https://twitter.com/euwcs

Noise.Cash - https://noise.cash/u/Weesleytv

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/euwsc/

If you want to play, enter through the following links, I would love to have you as a friend.🤩🤩



That is the real challenge for blockchain gaming. Other games like on the PlayStation4 you can play now and again and still have some fun.
BlockChain games demand commitment, and dedication to learning the gameplay and strategies, and unlike other gamers blockchain gamers treat their gaming experience like a real career :-)

Of course, if you take a game seriously, you take its development and progress seriously as in life, I'm really applying it!

Little by little it's going and evolving man, you can already buy another pack! I really like to see your evolution!

Congratulations for all your effort.

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@nupulse(7/10) tipped @weesleytv (x1)

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The NFT based music career game built on HIVE