Mein Status im Risingstargame und Giveaway #24 [DE/ENG]


Ein weiterer Gewinner wurde vom Random-Picker ausgesucht. Glückwunsch an @jfang003 .
Another winner was chosen by the random picker. Congratulations to @jfang003

Das "Mining" der Valentins-Karten habe ich mittlerweile aufgegeben, nachdem ich jetzt mindestens 2 von beiden Karten habe. Trotz das es in den Valentinsmissionen keine Starbits gab, habe ich durch viele kleine Missionen trotzdem fast 100K Starbits gesammelt. Ein paar habe ich mir noch auf der Hive-Engine besorgt und somit mal wieder 12 Packs aufgemacht.
Als nächstes werde ich wohl ein paar Instrumente selber machen. Außerdem überlege ich mir, ob ich nicht ein Starbits-Millionär werde. Das wird natürlich ein paar Wochen dauern, aber warum nicht.

I have given up mining the Valentine cards now that I have at least 2 of both cards. Despite the fact that there were no Starbits in the Valentine missions, I still collected almost 100K Starbits through many small missions. A few I still got me on the hive engine and thus once again opened 12 packs.
Next, I think I'll make a few instruments myself. I'm also thinking about becoming a Starbits millionaire. That will take a few weeks, of course, but why not.

Pack 1
Pack 2
Pack 3
Pack 4
Pack 5
Pack 6
Pack 7
Pack 8
Pack 9
Pack 10
Pack 11
Pack 12

Insgesamt / Total:
1995 Fans
791 Skill
261 Luck
32 IM

Im Moment stehe ich bei Level 116
Gespielte Minuten der letzten 7 Tage: 4350
Anzahl Missionen: 4679
Rang: 44

At the moment I am at level 116
Played minutes in the last 7 days: 4350
Number of missions: 4679
Rank: 44

My Dashboard




In dieser Woche gebe ich mal wieder einer meiner Karten an einen Kommentatoren ab. In dieser Woche ist das die Special-Valentines-Karte S15 "Love Machine". Derzeit gibt es hiervon 111 Stück und der günstigste Preis auf dem Markt beträgt 24000 Starbits.

This week I'm once again giving away one of my cards to a commenter. This week it is the Special Valentines card S15 "Love Machine". Currently there are 111 of these and the cheapest price on the market is 24000 Starbits.


  • Bitte schreibt irgendwas in die Kommentare (z.B. Derbysieger)
  • Dauer der Verlosung ca. 7 Tage
  • Upvote- oder Reblog darf, muss aber nicht
  • Mindest-Reputation: 40
  • Bitte nur mit einem Account teilnehmen
  • Bots sind verboten
  • Der Gewinner wird zufällig ermittelt und hier bekannt gegeben


  • Please leave a comment (e.g. Derbysieger)
  • Duration of the raffle approx. 7 days
  • Upvotes are not necessary but welcome
  • Minimum reputation: 40
  • Please only participate with one account
  • Bots are prohibited
  • The winner will be determined at random

Wer noch nicht Teil des Spiels ist kann gerne meinen Link verwenden und direkt loslegen.

If you are not part of the game yet, please use my link and get started right away.


Außerdem empfehle ich euch noch @Rabona den Soccer-Manager auf der Hive-Blockchain!

I also recommend @Rabona the Soccer-Manager on the Hive-Blockchain!

All pictures are from @risingstargame #risingstar #risingstargame and @Rabona

Bisherige Teilnehmer / previous participants:
@bitandi @musicuniversity @fabiyamada @simsibee @monsterbuster @ciderjunkie @itharagaian @lammbock @cryptosimplify @gillianpearce @libertycrypto27 @shenan @clipman77 @borav @mima2606 @cryptofiloz @guurry123 @sirdemian @nupulse @bocatan @hykss @jfang003
@cst90 @proto26 @mimismartypants @handtalk5 @captaincryptic @aiyumi @stefano.massari @pixiepost


Congrats @jfang003

@ynwa.andree Some good stats on those cards! Even though many of them are duplicates!

Here's hoping i get my hands on that love machine! May the law of randomness be on my side!

You have an awesome card collection. :) I am slowly building mine as well, but never ended up getting the Valentine's Day one. So, that would be a nice one to win :)

So, definitely count me in for the drawing - @pixiepost. I would also like to tag @cryptofiloz, @rxhector & @joetunex in case they are interested :)

Have a great Monday! 💜

I would be very happy to win. @captaincryptic is the account to send him to if I win. Thanks!

Nice! Finde die Limited Edition card Giveaways noch viel schöner als die 10k Starbit-Giveaways :)

Hey @ynwa.andree, here is a little bit of BEER from @risingstargame for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congratulation to the winner

Oh ja ich brauche auf jeden Fall Karten ich habe nämlich nur 3 :( bin aber auch noch ganz am Anfang

great post my friend!!!


Congrats, you are the Winner!


Yay!!! That's very cool Andree, thank you very much!!!


Hey @ynwa.andree, here is a little bit of BEER from @nupulse for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thanks again for another great giveaway. Looks like you're progressing nicely. 😊

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Na darüber würde ich mich freuen.

Und natürlich nen !BEER

Hey @ynwa.andree, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thank you for the starbits and the giveaway.

I plan to stack it towards my goal of starbits millionaire, but I might buy some pizzas every now and then if my energy doesn't keep up. After that is packs to increase my ranking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

!BEER chen

Hey @ynwa.andree, here is a little bit of BEER from @bitandi for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I think you should go for the million!

Hey @ynwa.andree, here is a little bit of BEER from @monsterbuster for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congratulations to @jfang003!

Thanks to @ynwa.andree for providing this giveaway.

How cool, would love to win the S15 card "Love Machine"
I'm new to the game, but I'm very keen to evolve, I will be grateful!