"Oh-Wellian Society"

in Cafe Locked Out8 months ago (edited)


I'm good, until I'm not

My brain doesn't operate the same, as most of, the people around me.
I'm sort of "more lateral", than thinking, at times.

I don't do well under close scrutiny. Almost, failing many times, such as work assessments, driving tests, exams, and so on.

But, I do contemplate, and harbour things, for quite some time.
When something doesn't feel right, I sort of mull over it, trying to perceive it from many different directions, in order to find out why I am not okay with it.

It brings me, many issues within a workplace, as I don't filter things too well. I sort of blurt out things as my brain processes them. The optics don't always come across the best. As well as, my misuse of commas - it is getting worse with age.

So, I tended to find employment where I took on work that other people didn't want to do - the boring jobs.

When you do the boring jobs, people mostly leave you alone.
In that element, I am able to find enjoyment out of the task being done. The repetitive nature allowing me to get better at it, to improve it, and to daydream while doing it. It's great!

But, because I make the dull appear fun, it sort of attracts people who want to be entertained, or who want to try and micro-manage me.
When my social side flicks on, then I banter about many ideas, especially, on how to make the processes better.
I prattle off, get put down, persevere until my point is proven, then begrudgingly they concede.
It works well when it benefits the people I work for, not so much if there is a powerplay in action - I never quite read the politics well. Or, Politics be Damned, I focus more on the moral and ethics of the process.

Surely, there's good Corporates, right?
Or at least I added a shred of Ethics in there.

It's okay to talk about issues, until it isn't

But, as I blossomed in Corporate life, so did my detractors. Who'd a thought that my being recognised would be the bane of another's pride.
So, being constantly attacked by people who, in one person's words,

"I'm jealous of him, so I want to make his job as difficult as possible."

A passive-aggressive world that I am not particularly fitted for.

We then move to the whole Covid situation - again, I read, and I read. I thought, and I thunk. It seemed pretty much clear to me that the jabb cannot work. It also seemed that the virus outcomes were modeled incorrectly. It seemed to only affect, the elderly and people with co-morbidities. The Government did certain actions that put those people in more harm, such as, not giving them sunlight or boarding them with infected people.

I'd already worked out that Corporations cannot be trusted. By their very nature, they are there to extract a profit, out of whatever they are engineered to do. They define "Profit" to be in whatever form they deem to be their market. Primarily, money.
So, pharmaceutical companies, especially, criminally convicted ones, should not dictate the terms to anybody.

Governments are also not to be trusted. Politics has been above morals and ethics, for so long, that it can never end well.

Science, had become, The $cience, from what I see, acadamia and institutions, have lifted themselves to Religious status. Ne'er to be questioned. That is always a worry.
I watched a scientist once say many years ago;

"Science is to question everything. Even when you believe it is fact."

But Politics and Corporations have infested $cience, so I cannot rely on that.

It is okay to have a choice, until it isn't

I reached out to friends and family who I knew were clever.
But, they seemed to be extremely fearful of the situation with the virus.

Even wanting to share ideas made them angry.

"Can you not see on the telly that people are dying?" They would gasp.

Yes, so they say, but - Shhh! Just obey.

Then one said that he got injected because they were overweight. It is okay because it stays in the deltoid.
But I proved to him that it didn't stay in the deltoid. It travelled all over the body;

"Oh well. It's done now.", was the response.

Another person told me to, "Follow the Science".
When I demonstrated that I am still alive, here are the Pfizzer documents, here is my investigation of literature...

"Oh,well. I'm just saving my elderly mother."

When I couldn't work due to Government mandates I was told

"Oh, well. Those are the rules. The rules, are the rules, and if they say you cannot work, then so be it!"
But I need to earn money - I have a family.

Now, that it has passed, I have received some half-hearted apologies, but mostly,

"Oh, well. It's all finished with anyway. Just get on with life."

When I point to those damaged by the jabbs, the excess deaths, the people getting sudden illnesses, it is an easy response,

"Oh,well. People die everyday. I'm ok, so it's not my problem."

That is the crux of it all. It isn't their problem.

If we don't admit a problem, then we don't need to find a solution

Fortunately, there are people who are not liking the way that the Government, Corporations, Media, Judicial Systems, and other institutions have dealt with the situation. So, they persevere in uncovering the uncomfortable topics.

I consider it important to continually investigate.
The mainstream media can try to tell the general public what they should care about, however, they are not the, Ministry Of Truth.

However, Governments easily draw up cheques to fund wars, bail out failed banks, print FIAT to infinity, pull on the heart strings of people, ostracise those who want bodily autonomy, or allow a scoreboard of who is dying from a virus 24/7 to scare the crap out of everyone!

But, they don't want to investigate why more people are dying?

Shame on them all.


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