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RE: How nature can help with stress and overstimulation

I totally agree on this!
Mental health is super important, though sometimes we tend to prioritise physical health, which is important too, for sure. But in these two it has to be a balance. if one of them suffers, in the end it will also break the other.

I love how you guys relax. Nature always finds a way to put things back on track.💚

I really enjoy reading your travel experiences with your fam. I envy you in the good sense. To be able taking long trips with the kids...thats not easy but maybe isnt that hard too, as we imagine. We tend to imagine things harder than they actually are. It is natural I guess to be in nature and around it. And kids love it. And they have one each other to play with.

Thank you for considering posting in the community! I appreciate it and I'm happy you did! 😍



Thank you! Yes we definitely need a healthy balance between physical and mental health. I agree it is natural for us to find relaxation in amongst nature, we find it so much easier to help our kids grow and learn when they have outdoor spaces, we have been travelling for most of this year and even before we always went camping and exploring whenever we could. All the best🥰

Sounds amazing, both for you and the kids. I love it 💙. Its time bounding for the entire family.