Pina Colada Smoothie

Hello Cutie Patooties!

Today I was speaking with @missdeli on the phone and she was making a smoothie, and I realized that it’s been forever since I made one. So, I asked her if she make smoothies just as often as we used to do because it seems that I have forgotten about them. And she said “Yes, I really make them often!”

I don't know if it was appetite or guilt, but I immediately jumped at the fridge to see what ingredients I could use for a smoothie. As I was searching for ingredients, my eyes laid on a bowl with pineapple and a well ripened banana. In that moment I knew exactly what I wanted to do! A Pina Colada Smoothie!


•one banana 🍌
•one cup chopped pineapple 🍍
•one cup milk of your choice (I think coconut milk work the best for this)
•one BIG tablespoon coconut flakes (you can put more if you want) 🥥
•one tablespoon chia seeds
•one tablespoon honey/agave syrup/maple syrup 🍯



All you need to do is to put all ingredients in a blender and to blend them until you get a smoothie. If you want to use soaked chia seeds it’s fine, I preferred to use fresh one in this recipe.


Now, if you want this as a meal, pour the smoothie into a large glass, but if you want it as a snack or just a beverage as I did, divide it into two glasses and enjoy it with your kid!


Let me know if you liked this recipe, but more specifically let me know what your kid thinks about it.

Stay fit and healthy!


I did this yesterdauy tried to remember the ingredients from memory as I didnt have my phone in the kitchen, but forgot to add the chia seeds.
I added though a handful of almonds.


And? How did it turn out? It was good? 🥹

Surely it was! Pinnapple always 💓

Yumm Yumm! Pinapple Smoothie is Caleb's favorite, so definitely it's a YES recipe! It's packed with vitamins, fiber and ofc, happy to be making smoothies as its so easy and fast!

Thanks for sharing this in the community!

Now I'm glad we had that phone talk about smoothies 😅

It’s not surprising that pineapple smoothie is Caleb’s favorite, he has great taste in food! It’s my favorite too🤭🤣!
Glad to be here and thank you for reminding me about smoothies!

I think mine too. 😁
Keep them posting because you make a lot of healthy recipes.