Surprises gives you life, a while ago a friend gave us this seed, with skepticism from the beginning since we were not sure of its quality and variety, but hey, we had space in our garden and we decided to give it a try.
For many growers, the germination stage is one of the most difficult since they do not germinate or do not develop well. But this seed, showing its potential from the beginning, developed without a problem into long strong arms with thin leaves of a powerful sativa. The time has come to change the lights and go to flowering crossing our fingers so that it gives us flowers instead of seeds.
The cramp, as we affectionately call it, began to form beautiful flowers with an intense fuchsia color, what a surprise!
Colombian Red Dot
This variety is known for coming from a pure variety of cannabis and it is that 80% of its genetic composition responds to sativas, this being one of the reasons why it is conceived as one of the most sought after herbs around the world.
Additionally, it should be noted that the red dot has the ability to resist both mold and other diseases that normally lead to death or that generate great affectation in other varieties.
The buds it produces make it one of the most desired in the world and it is that both the effects it generates once it enters the body and its quality is certainly difficult to compare, which is why it is argued that it is not a plant that It can be widely consumed by novices but, on the contrary, it is advisable to be expert tasters.

It is quite a memorable growing experience, which every gardener should have in his collection.



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There, their, they're.

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Amazing looking plant, it has those long sativa leaves too :)