The Cannabis Community Of The Hive Block Chain

in WeedCash Network8 months ago
Authored by @jonyoudyer


What's up Weed Nerds? Hope everyone has had a good Week. It has been a very busy one in the Weedcash community. It is great seeing you all get work done, and make something special. On, and off Chain. Next Week is a holiday for us Americans. Do you all have anything special planned? Ill be taking it easy, and going to the In-Laws. Should be a relaxing Week. Let us know in the comments what you will be up to. Have a great Weekend everyone!


Staking 42,000 WEED Tonight


I can totally respect this. Reminder to everyone this account does vote every comment in the Weedcash Network. So want to earn more Weed? Comment=Easy $$


Vaping could me more addictive than smoking...


I am sure many of us can relate. Smoking plant material VS. vaping is a decision we all have in this day of age. I myself prefer the old school way of burning flower with a BIC. Let us know in the comments what your prefer, or like a mix of both.


Late start of new grow


First post from Cannaworms in a good while. Always great to see someone back in the feed!


Sharing my outdoor cultivation in the community


Screenshot (326).png

Our good homie south of the Equator is getting his grow on!


Rearranging Grow Spaces


Great to see Futuremind make great strides in his grow game. He really has pushed through, and never gave up. No matter what was thrown his way. Of course it always helps when your medicine is fire!


Back on the block


These are some of the coolest rolling papers I have ever seen!


Banana Hammock: Strain review


A fitting strain for #themorningbowl!


Big Mack Superstar from @futuremind


Wes's photography skills really did the Big Mack justice. If anyone wants to grow it out, I would say go to Bifbeans but looks like they stopped accepting Hive. Bunk. But luckily I have a great cross of it, the Big Mack Superstar. Hit me up, and I will hook you up.


Orange Apricot clone and Pineapple Express in bloom + Orange Barb and Apricot Kush seedlings


You can paint with that cola!


Harvest day, revegetation and bugs! Always uncontrolled [ENG-ESP] Día de cosecha, revegetacion y bichos. Siempre descontrolados


WOW! That looks fire!!


Organic Grow Room - AC Infinity 3x3 With Evo4 300 watt - Auto Flower Cannabis Grow - #11


Sky showing off some new products he has been using, with some great results too!


[Smoking My Stress [Venezuela&Weed]]](


This tag looks sick @fonestreet! Can't believe I missed it!


Preparing for my fourth Ketamine treatment


If you haven't been following along, you really need to! We all know someone who could deeply benefit from something like this. If it is you, or a loved one. Be a better you:)


Cannabis Makes You Creative (But You Don't Need Weed to be Creative)


Cannabis is great, and is a powerful substance but it needs to be respected, and remember it's not always for everyone.


Street Art


Some beautiful scenes in the city :)


Not all plants turn out as one would like


Always a bummer when you see this, but hey that's life....


Garden Update..


Screenshot (327).png

The start of a grow is always the hardest, and it seems like it also takes the longest.


2g from one plant


not bad at all!


Making some rosin


Just squish it!


Organic Grow Room - AC Infinity 3x3 With Evo4 300 watt - Auto Flower Cannabis Grow - #12


Ending the Week off with Skylines grow. Go check it out, and follow along!


Well that's a wrap. Thank you to everyone, and if you do not see your post, just keep on posting. To help, and support the Cannabis Community, please subscribe here, and post directly from the community on Hive for all Canna, or psychedelic related content. Or even better, use the Weedcash Front-end. Posting from the Weedcash Tribe publishes your post to Hive, and directly to the Community. Oh, and a reminder; if you're posting anything cannabis related, always include the cannabis tag. This is our community's tag, even way before there where Tribes. Another tag you can use is canna-curate for more visibility. To help the whole Hive community make sure to go vote for Witnesses. You have 30 votes, use them wisely. Or you can just set us as your proxy. Just go here, scroll to the very bottom and manually type in our name @canna-curate. Well everyone, have a safe weekend.




Posted using WeedCash Network


Holy cow! Everyone's plants look amazing, and I can't believe how many posts I need to catch up on!

I've had a huge setback, and had to quit growing for the time being, but I will be attempting to get something going again here soon! Definitely going to have to try run the BMS beans I got from you too!

Also, that is very upsetting that @bifbeans stopped taking Hive as a payment option, but still going to be my go to bean bank! Love the genetics and cultivators at BIF, and I can't wait to grow some more of their beans!

Hey bro good to hear from you! ANd yeah it is a bunner but oh well, there loss. Its baffling that they didnt embrace Hive more. They can have theie members post there grows, and earn $ to buy their seeds, easling doubling their sales.

Posted using WeedCash Network

The highlights posts are getting bigger and longer. And that's a good thing..

For sure! We have our off weeks, but overall the cannabis community on Hive is thriving.

Posted using WeedCash Network

Thanks guys, thank you so much for selecting my post. I love being part of this community, and lately some questions have come up for me, do we have a discord channel or some place where I can ask? Thanks so much! Great weekend

 8 months ago  Reveal Comment

Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut?
He just needed a little space.

Credit: reddit
@canna-curate, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.hypno
