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RE: Pass the Dutchie Digital Art NFT

Every chain with smart contracts will have NFTs and have all these options plus in a year or two. If the earlier NFTs were Bitcoin, this stage is altcoins dropping, next stage will hopefully be like the later 2010s but that means a bubble, but after the bubble comes a more stable environment with even more adoption. Thats if I compare it to bitcoin and the altcoin market history, and it could be totally different with NFTs.


I long suspected the NFT is a Consumer market (subjective), where as most Crypto is a financial market (investors). People try to get rich with both but only NFTs get purchased strictly due to their appeal to the buyer in question.

As NFTs tend to be subjective, with Bias of the consumer being a major factor the NFT market isn't rational like the crypto market.

To me the closest comparison is collectables or entertainment with a fandom not share holders driving value

NFTs will be about bills, deeds, and less cool stuff then what we are seeing now. Still plenty of music or other media but I think when NFTs, and whatever brands will label their "phone bill" or trendy "luxury home deed" NFT, there will a much broader focus. Like the blockchain work in medical history databases.

Right I can dig it it give consumers agency regardless of the field the NFT is utilized for instance DLC for games previously the game company had a monopoly Now players have agency. Yes tokenizing everything is the logical end point but getting there will take a gradual climb.

P.S did you see the Marijuana Vouchers for a dispensaries weed made into ETH NFTs.