Ancient Marijuana discovery

in WeedCash Network4 years ago


This is not the most recent news but for those whom may have missed it. Back in June AP news had an article detailing research paper published in Tel Aviv: Journal from Tel Aviv University. About new evidence that "mind-altering substances as part of cultic rituals in Judah".Lead author of the study, Eran Arie, curator of Iron Age archaeology stated this discovery was “revolutionary.”


This site (Tel Arad) is not the temple in the picture above that's a picture of a temple in the city of petra. Images of Tel Arad are all Copyright protected, and it's important that you know that they are not the same. While they are both archeological sites in Jordan back on topic.

Tel Arad, located around 35 miles (60 kilometers) south of Jerusalem was initially excavated in the 1960's. What was recently discovered was the cannabis residue on artifacts. Chemical analysis of a altar contained the psychoactive compounds found in marijuana, along side residue attributed the Bible gift list of frankincense mer. This is 

first example of utilizing psychoactive chemicals from cannabis in the ancient Judahite religion.
For me this information finally made this story make sense. Not that I personally believe I'm not making fun of any religious beliefs. However the chemical residue is evidence of ritual use of Marijuana. Previously only evidence for ritual use of wine in Judaism. As well some indications of opium involvement within ritualistic practices.
In a research paper, the authors say the discovery from an 8th-century B.C. shrine at Tel Arad offers the first proof for “the use of mind-altering substances as part of cultic rituals in Judah,” including the first Jewish Temple that stood in Jerusalem at the same time.

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