Today's Highdea is brought to you by Woodward O.G and distillate.

in WeedCash Network3 years ago


I had two days off work which was a fairly uneventful time. Other than mindlessly surfing social media and a well deserved coma. I'm just had some extra time to post so I figured I'd post something. I won a little contest on Twitter.

if you're interested here's my referral

Only other thing that I have to report is that I found a couple of useful services from uphold partners. The first has already launched which allows users to earn cryptocurrency from shopping and testing products and services But they also have a promo code every Friday for bonus crypto. I thought I would try it out with the holidays coming up here is my referral.


One last thing and I will stop rambling skill gaming is upholds other partner that caught my attention. They allow you to earn cryptocurrency from gaming competitively. This is the link that will take you to the uphold page that describes it. This is not yet available for mobile so I thought this would show everyone the service regardless of the device you're using.


Love how you put the bud on the inset of that Trichome picture. What program did you use for that? Also might have to take you up on your referral. Respect for being classy about it. Its crazy how some people will just spam the shit out of there referrals.

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Sorry I was just checking my posts and finally noticed this comment i used pixel kit + my digital microscope


love an OG😎 working on some BUBBA right now