
I'll have to think on that one Artz, I don't want to encourage any illegal behavior, NY, is still not on board. I like running under the radar so to speak.

Fair enough. I completely understand. Each state is lifting and strengthening their laws regularly, I wasn't sure where NYC stood.

Eh, I was just recently told F'ing my neighbor that Jersey just legalized recreational. Can you confirm that?

Yes Jersey just had a vote , totally legal. NY is just medical for now. So when I visit my boys, all is good but when they visit me No good. So f,d upl
But I was successful today, found the perfect piece 😉❤️😃
Really happy now, hey what time is it? Oh I know , time to run the cold water.
Life is good

Did you get it tuned up? You know where all the water settings are now and how consistent the chamber needs full like what's too much and what's just right?

NY. As many states as we've been, although you say it's medical only, NYC is the only one that has food trucks as dispensaries parked on every other block. Medical, maybe, but very liberal.

I was smokin a joint outside a Starbucks waiting for Pura. A cop came to me and tripped me out, my first instinct was "shit!" All he said was I couldn't smoke right there in the courtyard and needed to stand on the sidewalk. And left.

Yes , now that you mention it, we went to a Yankee game year before last and saw a truck parked right there with a police car just a few cars away.
To be honest, I am not afraid of the authorities, it's my rep with the grand kids, although they do not post much, 2 of them have their own hive accounts.
I am a huge believer of setting a good example for all my children.
Although, once my own kids were young adults and the curtain was pushed back, they told me I really wasn't very good at playing it straight when I wasn't. hehe

Grandma's are the F'ing best!