Five Hive..

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Good morning y'all and welcome to a wet morning bowl.. it's decided it wants to rain for the past few hours.. of course it has. It must know I have shit to do.. Anyway.. today is moving day.. so I threw up a quick contest.. it's open to anyone who cares to guess.. good luck

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Omaha, Nebraska

Good guess... and way to be first. But wrong.

Hahaha, too bad I can't take more guesses. I just saw a video of Omaha getting completely blasted but it did mention some other places. Good job on throwing me off in the last video.

Honestly I was hoping for Omaha... I've been there several times and it's always been profitable

I would guess on.
South Decota -> Rapid valley....

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Shit I was gonna say Omaha.

Madison Wisconsin?

chicago ?
Illinois I googled that and worked with maps. so i hope i'm close

Also a good guess.. definitely within the 6 hour radius. But no.

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