A drink with two drugs that I love, double weed

in WeedCash Network3 years ago

In my country "Mate" is a drink made from natural herbs, it is drunk using hot water and crushed grass to increase water absorption.

I personally like to add other flavors to this natural and tasty tea, if you have traveled to Argentina you will know that it has a bitter but healthy taste, you can drink it for hours.

It is considered a drug in excessive consumption due to the caffeine content that the herb has and to reduce the effect I apply marijuana.

The effect is not strong at all because I only put two or three buds, I am sure that if I add more it will affect me a little and I do not like to ruin something that I like to drink in the morning.


Hola. Me encantaría probar ese Mate, lo he oído mucho y estoy antojado de un poco y con adición de Mary Jane. Espero disfrutes siempre tu bebida matutina. Un abrazo desde Colombia.

Hi there. I would love to try that Mate, I have heard it a lot and I am craving a little and with the addition of Mary Jane. I hope you always enjoy your morning drink. A hug from Colombia.

Es algo muy rico, le aporta un sabor interesante que se aprecia en el paladar :D

Sii he oído lo mismo y eso es lo que me llama mucho la atención para probarlo. Saludos y bendiciones para ti y los tuyos.

Pues tiene buena pinta ese mate. Que proveche.

Posted via weedcash.network

si amigo es mucho mejor asi, porque si lo bebo amargo durante mucho tiempo me produce ansiedad y mucha.

At first I thought it was ahyusca. I know I spelt that wrong, but yeah man I love waking up on a Sunday drinking some coffee and smoking a bowl

I take it as a kind of tea with hot water, it adds flavor and is appreciated on the palate