Virginia Decriminalizes Cannabis, Saturday Night Blunt with the Herbal Kush Cone

in WeedCash Network4 years ago (edited)

I celebrated Saturday night with a Herbal Kush Cone filled with Headband buds. It makes a nice size and easy hitting blunt that would be perfect for passing around if it wasn't for the 'rona. There's talk of Ontario, Canada slowly opening back up in late May - I hope so, we'll see.

Good News for Virginia

Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill to officially decriminalize cannabis possession in Virginia - simple possession offenders would not be given jail time, but fines instead. Legalization advocates don't like that selling cannabis is still illegal, it creates a grey area - they believe the fines also open the door for potential racial profiling. He also signed a bill that says no one can be arrested or denied rights for participating in the state's cannabis medical system (Source). At the very least it will slow down the flow of people needlessly going to jail for simple cannabis possession. (Virginia Flag Image Source)

Kush Herbal Wrap pre-rolled cone

This pack came with 2 empty pre-rolled tobacco free herbal cones, and a straw to help with the packing - they have a candy-like sweet and lightly fruity scent and flavor.

Cone Filled, Blazed

Tasty blunt with a candy-like sweet and lightly fruity citrus bright citrus tangy skunk flavor - the blunt hits hard, this one's a sipper. The 707 Headband 60/40 indica cannabis buzz is euphoric and well cushioned with a slight haze headband and decent motivation - staple buds that I smoke in the afternoon or evening, I find them to be a little too de-motivating for the morning.

Know your local laws, contact a doctor for medical advice.

What's your go to cannabis strain?

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This is great news! I can now travel to this State without having to leave my favorite herb behind!

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I hope one day people will be able to roam through all of the free states with their favorite herb :)

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