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RE: My Cannabis Garden

in WeedCash Network3 years ago

Nice plants.

I had four growing but I started them too early and they grew to be too big to keep indoors so I put themoutside but the weather got to them. 3/4 didn't make it and the last one is male. I think I might get another and breed them for seeds for next year.


Hey! So sorry I missed this comment my friend.

I actually didn't miss it, I saw it and meant to get back to you but somehow it didn't happen and I just remembered.

Sorry to hear you had some bad luck with the plants :(

I ended up getting super lucky and the all 4 plants in my tent turned out female.

Getting ready to make a post within a day or two with new photos.
I expect I'll get a decent little harvest, they are just starting to flower :)

Let us know how your cannabis journey ends up, if feasible.
I think the world would be a better place if everyone grew cannabis :)