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RE: THC: What is THC?

in WeedCash Network2 years ago

For some people the alteration of reality while focused on reality can feel like death or death of a certain cognition.

They should lay still with their eyes focused on fewer things.

When the world/mind starts to shift in and out of its concrete structures there will be what people call hallucinations but actually it's more like an altered state of consciousness.

Some will feel like it's their whole world going away and so they associate that with death or dying.

No one sees the world the same way even though the powers to be would like you to believe we do.

This is also the best state of mind for the body to start a healing transformation process when the mind is not even focused on the body then the body can start regeneration abilities that hurt so the THC activates the specific receptors to give pain relief during that process to counter the pain. This is why hunger hits because your body is using up a lot of energy.


~ "This is also the best state of mind for the body to start a healing transformation process when the mind is not even focused on the body then the body can start regeneration abilities that hurt so the THC activates the specific receptors to give pain relief during that process to counter the pain."

thats really interesting.