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RE: Who would have thought my 40s would be my best years?

in WeedCash Networklast year (edited)

Grounding... I like that word. Yea its crazy how advanced nature really is... goes beyond the tech we see today. Its crazy there are so much we dont know yet even with all this tech around us. For example... we have no idea how clouds in the sky really form. I mean... what??? lolz.

Nice post and I love your pic with your family~ also you beard is getting more majestic by the day. One day... can I touch it? me wanna touch the magic beard which now has properties of Korean ginseng. :)


I will let you touch the beard. It is full of wisdom now. I am starting to look like a garden gnome.

The earth is weird man. It is basically a huge battery that gets energy from the sun and disperses it out to everything that is grounded to it. All these cancers and big health issues are a recent thing for humanity and it stems from us disconnecting from earth's energy.

Once I touch~ I will be in total state of Nirvana..... Bliss in pure form.

An old man told me one time that the cure to any diseases is knowing and understanding the habit of drinking water. He told me we humans drink too little and add too much shit to it for flavor and sugar. But pure clean water he said helps clean our body inside out starting from the very cells. so cool right? :)

I rarely drink anything other than water nowadays. Soda and alcohol are gone out of my life. Water is one of the most important things you give your body. I'm starting to look more into soap and how that affects your body as well. Your skin is your largest organ and a lot of the soaps that are sold do so much damage, but hey, I guess they smell good while they are killing your skin.

Ya @whangster79 Grounding is a cool word, I was thinking the same thing.

On cloud formation, we do know how they form don't we? See link..,air%20to%20form%20a%20cloud.

LOLZ~ Yea I saw the link and its how we learned it in school hehehehe. However when I looked more deeply into it through the rabbit hole I realized its a lot more complex than that... to the point that even our super computers fail to create an accurate model of it. Its why its hard to predict the weather even with all this crazy tech we have today. Nature it seems.... to be the absolute high tech of all. :)'t%20understand%20many,peculiar%20case%20of%20fluid%20flow.


Ah ya, but I suppose there are so many variables that predicting things with certainty is almost impossible, especially anything beyond a few days