in AFRI-TUNES10 days ago

Good music is life. I don't know if I can over emphasize this, but this is just the truth. If you are a lover of good music, then you will agree with me that good music gives us life. I may not really know how to sing very well, maybe because I skipped my music classes when I was younger. Hahahaha 🤣. But on a more serious not, I love good songs and wished to sing very well. But I am trying my best.


When I listen to people like Mercy Chinwe and their like I just fall in love with music, because what they give out is good music and nothing less. their music brings life to a dying soul. Most times when I am tired or worn out because I had a day full of stress the next place to go to and find relief is get good music and my whole problem is solved. We can't say this enough. All we need is good music and the whole world will be a better place.

Let's look at some significant of good music in our society.

Good music have been able to connect people from across the glob as though they are one. We learn from one another because we listen to our music. I remember back then when I was a little girl. I love singing Indian music, dance like them and even practice what I see them do while singing their good songs. I just become connected to the Indiana people even when I don't even know the road that leads to their country.

For me this is the most important for me when I listen to good music. I just know how and when to run to my music just to get relief when I am not happy about something. Music have a way of making me feel better even when I should not. It goes directly to my soul. It makes me feel as if there is no problem even when the problems are right dear before me. When I listen to music my soul get lifted from my body and helps me forget the sorrows in my body.

This image belongs to me.

With good music you can learn a song without knowing what it means. Sometimes you will see an individual singing a song and not knowing what the lyrics says. A of these is just because the music is good and can also be learnt by people easily. Dancers get creative because when they listen to any good music, they can just dance according to the music.

I love relaxing with good music even when I don't know how to sing very well. If I get any good music I can play it again and again because I love it. Sometimes when people get bored they run to music to give life to the environment. Some one can stay at home alone from morning till night without getting bored when there is good music available for grabs.

This image belongs to me.

I started learning how to dress like people I see dancing. When their songs and dance step appeals to me then I will also be attracted to their dressing. Most times we learn about people's culture and even food through their music. I have seen people who sing about what they do, wear and eat. Music have actually made the whole world a global village just by listening to each other.

This image belongs to me.

Just like I said in my introduction, music has a lot to offer. We can't over emphasize on it. There are lots of good things that flows with good music. We just need to get connected to good music and the rest will become history.

This is my participation post for the AFRI-INLEO INITIATIVE 2.
Please 🙏 get involved and let's know what you feel about good music and it's significant by clicking this link
I specially invite @hiveded and @fasacity to join this special initiative

This design was made through Canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Truly music has lots of significance just as you clearly stated. Thanks for the invite and I hope to drop my own soon

You are very welcome. I will be waiting for your post.

Alright keep waiting but incase of network challenge, we shall share the proceeds from your payout. Lols

Wow, music has good significance. Nice entry

Hahaha music is life,
Somany people's life are tied to music, people like me 😂
Thanks for sharing

Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Lovely write up about music 🎶🎶
Music is a soul lifter.
Thank you for sharing.
Well done 👍