Afritunes week 112: Your grace by Rotimikeys

in AFRI-TUNES2 months ago (edited)

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Hi, afritunes community and my fellow singers
A stirring gospel hymn that extols God's steadfast kindness and compassion is "Your Grace." Rotimikeys conveys appreciation for the grace given to us in spite of our imperfections and shortfalls through its lyrics.
The song starts off by recognizing our flaws as human beings and serving as a reminder that we are all sinners in need of God's forgiveness. But it swiftly turns its attention to God's unending grace, which offers us forgiveness despite our shortcomings.
In one of her songs, Rotimikeys expresses the overpowering sense that she is undeserving of such mercy but will always be appreciative of it. The song's lyrics vividly depict a soul that has been humbled by realizing how incredibly kind and merciful God is.
The musician uses straightforward yet moving words throughout the song to express how much he appreciates God's kindness.

He compares God's grace like a comforting salve that mends our wounds and gives us comfort when we're in need.
In the chorus, Rotimikeys expresses his amazement at the extent of God's grace in a stirring statement of praise and gratitude. This section's melodies and harmonies are especially poignant and inspire awe and adoration.
As the song goes on, Rotimikeys talks about his own experiences and how God's grace has changed his life. He recognizes the significant influence it has had on his path, giving him a feeling of direction and purpose.
As the song draws to a close, Rotimikeys considers the significance of leading a life deserving of the grace bestowed upon us, and the lyrics take on a more reflective tone. He uplifts listeners to embrace humility, kindness, and love, as a way of honoring the divine gift they have received.
Overall, "Your Grace" is a beautiful and uplifting testament to the power of faith and the boundless love of God. Through its simple yet profound lyrics, Rotimikeys manages to capture the essence of gratitude and reverence, reminding us all of the transformative potential of grace in our lives.
Here are the lyrics
If it had not been for your grace
Oreofe Sha nimorigba oo
If it had not been for your mercy
Anu Sha nimorigba
Somebody say grace ,grace
Oreofe Sha
Somebody say mercy ,mercy
Anu ni morigba.

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Hello wallay this is a lovely presentation ,. you did great

Yes ohh. Just his grace is what is keeping us today.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful song with us today

What an amazing song with a powerful lyrics. The style of your performance is quite unique

Truly all w3 need is God's grace
You did so beautiful sir
Thanks for sharing