Standing Reinvigorated

in WorkLife6 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate how I've gotten a good benefit out of finally buying a proper standing desk!


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Standing Reinvigorated

You'd never think that something as seemingly small as being able to stand up when you are doing work on a laptop, how important that would be for your overall health.. well I definitely am a strong believer in that one!

I recently decided to bite the bullet and purchase myself a hybrid electric standing or sitting desk. I've been working exclusively from home for almost 4 years now but we never really had anything proper in terms of a work set up. We were doing a number of different things to make it work so that we don't have to spend money on these things but we made some changes in the place that we live and one of those changes ended up making me lose my quasi-standing desk, which was really nothing more than a tall bureau with my laptop on top of it lol. With having to exclusively sit all day for work, my back was really hurting! I knew I had to suck it up and just do it, get a standing desk.


I'm not usually one to spend a lot of time digging into reviews to the n-th degree for these things. I do certainly keep an eye on the reviews, which are sadly mostly a load of horse shit these days, but for the standing desk I wanted to make sure that I got something that I could use for as long as I can. I looked at a number of different ones and finally settled on one and I'm pretty happy with it! I don't want to post my official set up but I've got something similar to this except it's got these cool shelves on top where my monitors stand, with little drawers underneath it to store things.



The setup has been great! I don't stand for the entire day because that would be challenging for my legs and my ankles, which have taken a pretty decent amount of damage from skateboarding and snowboarding for so many years lol but I make it a point to stand all morning most mornings which works out great. There are so many benefits I'm able to observe with this type of set up! For one, the back pain that was creeping up on me has largely subsided. It's not entirely gone because I've got a few pounds to get rid of and I need to do more core exercises to strengthen my muscles but over the last month or so, where I was sitting exclusively, my back was really getting it pretty bad lol.


I in turn feel more invigorated to be doing work from home! I know I could theoretically go into some office and do similar things but I don't have an interest in that. I am not opposed to going in once every 6 months or once a year to meet and chat with some of my colleagues that are in the area but for the most part, I want nothing to do with an office. I have a much better setup at home and it's more comfortable for me to stand or sit in my own house, with my music and all that going.

The additional added benefit to the standing desk is I'm able to finally use some of the hardware I've been storing up and had scattered over the rooms because I didn't have any space to use it. It's kind of wild to be using three computer monitors to do my work but now that I went from a laptop screen only, to a screen plus 1 monitor, to now 3 monitors with my laptop screen closed, it's so much more efficient! I know people complain that it's too busy to do it that way but for me, I have designated areas for certain things. Browser on the left, email in the middle and work on the right. Pretty good set up for sure now! I would get annoyed before where I was having to flip between an email and the browser window. These are absolutely first world problems lol but they were making me less efficient!


My next piece of hardware to upgrade is my chair. I don't know when I'll be doing that but I might upgrade it this week so I don't get hit with the ridiculous holiday prices of these items!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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I myself, when I am anxious, go to a place with a similar beautiful view and my mind is completely relaxed and refreshed.

Yes absolutely!

I guess you never had it in mind to make the set up and that is why you did not have a working set up from your home
If you took it seriously, you'd have done it but I'm glad that you got it done now

Better late than never for sure!

When one is working from home, it is actually necessary that one have a correct set up that will aid the ease use of working from home

Yes it's been good to have a better set up!

Yea you are right

That's really a nice sitting/standing desk you have there. I cannot afford to buy a new table so what I do now is using a breakfast tray with legs as we have this at home here in France and I've used this as well back in the Philippines when I just wanted to work in my bed. I've seen a lot on FB reels or TikTok, for aesthetic purposes, several content creators bought a walking pad. They can actually walk while working on their standing desk.