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RE: From Training Grounds to Rural Classrooms: My Journey with Lead for Ghana

in WorkLife7 months ago

When I read the name of the school, the first thing on my mind was to look it up😂. Which region is it in?

It’s in Northern Region, but more closer to Togo. From what I hear, it’s only a few minutes away from the Togo border. I knew people like you would go exploring, that’s why I put that disclaimer there.😂😂😂

I know someone who is part of you guys so I sometimes saw you in her pictures.

I know who you’re talking about. I don’t remember having any pictures with her though so I’m a bit surprised.

I was just looking forward to your post about it to know what it’s really about. I thought it was some youth leadership thing.

Yeah the fellowship extends a little beyond teaching. There’s a lot of leadership development in it, cos aside simply teaching, we’ll need to instill leadership qualities in our students. The fellowship is designed to give you exposure to problems in the rural communities so that in case you’re ever in a policy-making position, you’ll know exactly what types of policies will create equitable lives for all. We’ll be attending a lot of leadership development conferences in the course of the 2 years. We have two slated for just this month.


I don’t think we are talking about the same person cause I’ve seen different pictures of you guys in groups both in Tamale and in Accra. Sometimes you are just in the background

I guess you have a lot more traveling coming your way. Please make sure to take enough pictures to share with us

I’m almost certain you’re talking about Hamdia. She’s the only person that fits the description. Lol you guys know each other?

For the traveling, I don’t know about that. If I do travel though, I’ll share as much as I can:)

We went to the same high school

Oh that makes sense.