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RE: Mr. Bonkers gets a job

in WorkLifelast year

You were an industrious young lad, weren't you? It must be something in the KP genes. Of course, you can possess it and do nothing with it, learning how to reign it in and work for you is a skill.

I did have a part-time job when I was younger, but I think what most stuck with me are the lessons that we were taught along the way that made us succeed in these jobs and in life. Your appearance tells a lot about who you are. Dressing funky is fine, but, doing it for a job interview is not. While you may think this is a no-brainer, it really isn't for many people. If nothing else, behaving appropriately is another one of those things that seems clear cut, but, really, it is not. I think my parents raised us. To be honest and use a moral compass.

I would love to see this young nephew in about thirty years... Let's meet up here and you can reevaluate him. :)

Hi, Galen!


I have a good work ethic I guess, that doesn't mean I'm a slave to my job though, just that when I'm working, I apply effort. I think that is part of my nature and also partly due to my experiences. Those lessons I learned working at those supermarkets and doing those other chores as a younger kid have all paid dividends and together with the experiences I had into my twenties and beyond...yeah, I like to think they all combined to bring me success.

You say, behaving appropriately, and I think lessons that lead to that should begin early and as they are built upon it becomes part of the person. Sure, we don't always fly straight as an arrow, but that moral compass will always push or pull us in line if it's highly developed.

Mr. Bonkers is a good lad. He's a kid of course, but has some really nice qualities and I see some valuable traits in him that, once developed will pay huge dividends. I'll not be around in thirty years, but if I was I think I'd be feeling great pride for him.