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RE: Mr. Bonkers gets a job

in WorkLifelast year

Oh, Mr. Bonkers is the sweetest thing. Though, I don't think he'd like me to call him that. I should think he'd reach up to give me a sound knock on the head for using the term 'sweet' on him. Lol.
But you all should watch out though, that's an Elon in waiting. You can tell the business affiliated ones from little and I hope there are pictures and videos to remind him when he goes big that he started this long ago.
Some might say, he takes after his dearest uncle. I was never the business one, though I can recall organizing singing shows with my sisters. A one hour show went for about a dollar, dutifully attended by my parents and the neighbours. Fun times.


We call each other bonkers, we wear it like a badge of honour and always have a laugh when we begin our video chats with, g'day Mr Bonkers!

I think it's a really cool thing for parents to introduce their kids to adult concepts as kids, in the right manner of course. My parents did it with me and my brothers do it with their kids...both my niece (@smallsteps) and my nephew are great kids.