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RE: Mr. Bonkers gets a job

in WorkLifelast year

It helped that I grew up in a small rural town and everyone knew everyone.

It's such a confusing world today. Even in a good neighborhood it may not be safe for kids to do the things we did when we grew up. I tell my kids about how my brother and I started businesses together and they say, "Dad. We don't live in the 80s like you do."

Your brother was wise to oversea and set up clients for his son. Parents in the 1970s were generally not involved with their kid's lives and actually didn't know where we were half the time.

There is sometimes a conflict in raising kids to give them room to grow, but also giving them a safe environment.


I was talking to my brother yesterday and he was updating my on our budding business tycoon who seems to be quite focused on gathering revenue. It's so good to see him taking some initiative and getting excited about working. Sure, he want's Lego to be the ultimate rewards but who cares what it is (at the age of four) if he's taken the responsibility to earn it for himself.

Mr. Bonkers has a good start 👍