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RE: Mr. Bonkers gets a job

in WorkLifelast year

You must be the inspiration of your hardworking nephew, Sir. You started working at 13 and then him at 4 years old. Wow! So amazing. I could not imagine how a kid could think like that while with his dad, and I could say that he is possessing a great work ethics.

As an old proverb goes, that is, "train up a child the way he should go, and when he grows old, he will never depart from it".

Mr. Bonkers is so inspiring. Surely not all kids are like him. I must say that he is a future millionaire! !PIZZA


He's a good kid and my brother does a really good job instilling the right attributes in him and helping him develop. Time will tell how he grows up and what type of adult he will be, but he's off to a good start.