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RE: Mr. Bonkers gets a job

in WorkLifelast year

Having the drive to do such things as a kid forces the brain to think differently I believe

That's the truth. My hustle mentality back then paved the way for me, acting as the foundation, and to this day that foundation still remains strong.

Sitting in front of a video game as a ten year old teaches a person the wrong things

Good or bad, too much exposure to a certain thing is never good, balance is key. Back then I've had my fair share of videogame experiences too, but I also made sure that I had some real life goals and hobbies too.


I'm not a fan of video games, never really was. I never saw it as productive or interesting as life always held more interesting things for me.

Everyone's got their own set of hobbies and preferences, like videogames are a on and off thing for me. Whenever I'm spending most of my time at home, it's videogames or reading for me.

We really don't have too many outdoor options here. The very few scenic miracles we do have are all hundreds of kilometers away, and even that search for nature and peace is killed because of the unbearable traffic, absurd costs and an out of control capital city population. That's why most of the people here seek refuge under their own roofs.