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RE: My Journey From Job Seeker To Entrepreneur - Part #1

in WorkLife2 years ago

Thank you so much @justfavour
You are right that most people would say yes to get a job. There's a reason why I didn't. I started my first job in a cotton and rice import export company from my father's reference. I was 18 years old at that time. The director of the company was my father's friend. They asked me to make a CV. Neither the font sizes nor the alignment were consistent and I must have created the CV at least ten times that day which they kept sending back to me for corrections. I wrote in the CV that I am proficient in MS Office and am also a FoxPro programmer. During drafting my CV I found out how skilled I was.

Now they asked me about FoxPro, there was a bug in their program that I didn't understand. Well! The director called me in the room and said you have just done these courses, practice makes you perfect, so you work here and sharpen your skills with the experienced people here.
Mybe I am wrong, but speaking the truth has given me a lot of growth. After that, I no longer make claims to 100% knowledge; instead, I demonstrate my abilities via my work. But it is crucial to get an opportunity to show your ability. 😁