Splinterlands 202005312201 Now I have my own ... | 现在我有自己的。。。😎(by @ace108)

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

The Kraken and something new | 《 The Kraken 》和一新东西

Reached home yesterday in the night and there was still an hour before season ended. Fought a few more battles. 11 minutes before the season ended, I got back into Gold I level after dropping back to Gold II earlier. Reward included The Kracken. Now, I have my own. 😎 Also in there reward is Fallen Specter. Welcome to the @ace108 team, guys.

昨晚回到家,赛季结束前还有一个小时。 再打几场。 在赛季结束前的11分钟,我从早些时候跌回到了Gold I等级I之后又回升回Gold I了。 奖励包括The Kracken。 现在,我有我自己的。 😎还有 Fallen Specter。 大家好,欢迎加入@ ace108队伍。

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