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RE: Videos On Hive - What Are The Options? - Pro's? Con's? - IAAC #145

in DTube4 years ago

Great video Erik,
I've been dealing with these platforms quite a lot and all of them have their limitations and their advantages. What I like about 3speak is that you might get a fat upvote on your videos from 3speak. The negative part is that you can't set benficiaries and it sometimes takes very long to upload.

I don't use dtube much because it posts in dtube community and I don't really like to crosspost.

With Lbry the problem is that if you embed videos in peakd, they won't show in I've found a solution and that is to put an image into the post. I often put a kind of "play" logo on it and then I link the video to Lbry. This way it's visible on all platforms and you recognise it's a video. Another advantage is that every view can generate tips on Lbry...


Thanks a lot Achim, yeah I did know it was not showing the embedded video on CTPtalk, and assumed it was the same on, turned out it was not showing any content of the post at all if a LBRY video was embedded, so for both Luke and Alive I do Youtube now, I really do need the advanced functionality of PeakD for those posts, so that is now the only option really since I do want embed, keep up your great work.

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