Small things can also bring a bigger opportunity provided we realise the potential

in DTube2 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone

Good day to you and I hope that you are doing well.

Today in this video I have talked about how can find an opportunity which can be so big to achieve if we realise the potential. It's obvious that we can't continue with multiple but out of many one can surely be considered.

Thank you so much.

Have a great day.

▶️ DTube

Many people most of the time overlook small opportunities for they think it will make no big difference to their lives. People must realize that to achieve big we always have to start small. beautiful topic to talk about. thanks for sharing! :)

Keep looking for opportunities - HIVE has given us so much - at one point, everyone was having the 1$ benchmark and now we are talking about reaching 5 - 10 $ range.

We should make opportunity, instead of looking for it. The community should work together. The community should help and support each other. This is why it is called community. We all have the same goal, but people should focus on collective growth, instead of individual growth.

100% agreed, and I think, there are many people who are working on several projects. I am personally trying to explore how to use HIVE as a consumer payment in one of my company product. Hopefully, we will have lot of use case of HIVE and become one of the top 10.