Bitcoin Halving in 6 days

in DTube4 years ago (edited)

I'm sure you guys have been hearing all about it already that the BTC halving would be in 6 days time. Previous times the price skyrocketed up like crazy however this time, the economic situation has dramatically changed and I wonder if it would be similar to those previous surge in the price.

So what would you be doing ?

  • HOLD and wait for something to happen ?
  • Sell your BTC to USDT and wait to buy in on the dip ?
  • Pump in more FIAT to buy more cryptos ?

Its really going to be interesting. Ok cheers guys and have an amazing day

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What will u do Simon?
There's a report that it dipped after halving then skyrocketed after that.

I'm waiting for that dip.. 😁😁

So hodl then buy?
Not sell when up then buy?

i got it parked at USDT at 9271 at the moment

So u're ready to buy, will hodl then and buy on dip. OK thanks Si!

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